
Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury, disease or disability through physical methods including: manual exercise and education, joint and spinal mobilisation, soft tissue mobilisation, massage, heat treatment, dry needling, electrotherapy and clinical taping. These methods aim to reduce pain, improve mobility and assist the body’s healing process to enable a return to normal function. A holistic approach, or whole body approach, is used that involves the patients directly in their own care.

Physiotherapy can help people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions including problems that affect bones, joints and soft tissue.

Examples of different conditions treated:

  • Spinal problems include slipped discs, sciatica, back pain, Sacroiliac joint problems, neck pain and stiffness, whiplash, headaches, nerve root irritation, causing altered sensation and pins and needles and pregnancy related pain or pelvic pain.


  • Joint problems including: fractures, dislocations and subluxations pain, stiffness, swelling, clicking, giving way, clicking of the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist hands and feet and of the joints.


  • Muscle and soft tissue injuries muscle and tendon strains, ligament tears and Achilles tendon or tendinopathy sprains including tennis/ golfers elbow, sprained ankle, cartilage tears, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, rotator cuff tears and shoulder impingements.


  • Repetitive strain injuries – upper and lower limb pain and postural related conditions


  • Post operative rehabilitation- total hip and knee replacement, spinal surgery, arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) shoulder surgery and ACL reconstruction.

Physiotherapy is also used to treat diseases of the nervous system and brain that cause movement problems and the respiratory system that can cause breathing difficulties.

Physiotherapists are regulated healthcare practitioners that are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and the Health Care Professional Council. Physiotherapists work closely with other health professionals including GPs, Surgeons and other therapists.

Lucy Morland can be contacted directly via mobile 07921992747 or email [email protected]

Treatment (1-hour) – £90

Follow-up Treatments (30-minutes) – £50

  • What our clients say

    Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with Margaret Capon 'I sought help with the executive function issues associated with dyslexia, dyscalculia and possible ADHD in order to be in the best place to study for a professional qualification whilst working. I found the results of working with Margaret to be incredible. I can quantify how much my function has improved and how much better I am at dealing with distraction, mental blocks, prioritisation and meeting deadlines without drama. The focus I have been able to achieve without going into exhausting hyperfocus has been unprecedented and I've been able to meet some tough objectives but also remembered to take breaks. It has been a joy to work with a practitioner who has an understanding of empathy with the neurodiverse functioning mind. The positive effect on all aspects of life have been such a boost And have freed up time and mental capacity. A huge thank you! Very much appreciated and happy travels! NP

  • What our clients say

    I had my first experience of Acupuncture with Lisa for ongoing neck and shoulder pain. I had tried everything but after two sessions it went away completely. It was a very good experience. Lisa really tuned into my body and used a range of Chinese medicine techniques to investigate what I needed. I would definitely recommend this form of treatment. LS
